The news article described how both abortionists Carlos Baldoceda and David bAberman/b did abortions after drinking several glasses of champagne at a lunchtime staff birthday party. Yet another news articles described b..../b Saleswomen for Combined Insurance Co. claim they were regularly subjected to lewd and sexually explicit taunts from male co-workers and managers, most of which took place at meetings at bhotels/b between the mid-1990s through 2001. Terry Boebel, a manager at ...
I think most in the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as those in the Fourth bEstate/b, would heartily agree that we need Hillary '16 like we need a hole in the head. Hillary '12 might still be manageable if b..../b by: baberman/b. 2 comments. Why Americans hate Republicans so much. by: Stephen Gordon. 7 comments. Der Spiegel Gives Obama "Needs Improvement" Evaluation in 6 of 10 Areas. by: T D Williams. 1 comments. Moral Hazard, now in Action. by: RisingTide. 1 comments ...